Wizard Animation

lunes, 12 de enero de 2009


Italy is a country with very much tradictions and histori my father is italian, and I chose this country for that reason. In this christmas I have been in Italy.

Italy have twenty regions with there capitals:
Liguria -->Génova, Lombardía -->Milán, Piamonte--> Turín,Valle de Aosta--> Aosta,

Emilia-Romaña -->Bolonia, Friuli-Venecia Julia -->Trieste, Trentino-Alto -->Adigio Trento,
Véneto -->Veneciam, Lacio -->Roma, Marcas -->Ancona, Toscana--> Florencia,
Umbria -->Perugia, Abruzos -->L'Aquila, Basilicata--> Potenza, Calabria -->Catanzaro,
Cmpania -->Nápoles, Molise -->Campobasso, Apulia--> Bari, Cerdeña-->Cagliari,
Sicilia -->Palermo.

In Italy the italians have a dialects own that this depending on the region you live for example in the south Italy the accent is more close then in Lombardia.
In Milano city the accent is the milanesse and it is the more perfect speaker. In the capit, Rome they speak with the accen opened.

My famili is of Milano but befor they was living in Marina di Lessina, a town in southern Italy, and they speak more fast and diferent than the perfect italian.

In christmas I went in Milano and I going to talk abaout monuments.
In Milano, in piazza Loreto was hanged Mussolini the twenty-eight of october in the year 1940.
The more important monument in Milano is the Duomo, that is a catedral in the center of Milano. The church Santa Maria delle Grazie have The Last Supper.
In Italy in eve year grappes are not taken, but take a mess of pottage and after they explode the firecrakers.

Informationof the regions: Wikipedia
Photo: Google

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